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We Clean & Rent Floor Mats

Covid-19 Specialty Floor Mats

Clean and Sanitize Your Mats, Call for Pricing.

Please email us for prices and quick shipping to your location.

Sure Stride Plush Mat

Sure Stride - Roll, Cut, and Stick Down - Disposable

Sure Stride Mat Around Buffet

Sure Stride - Roll, Cut, and Stick - Disposable

Sure Stride Runner in Grocery Store

Sure Stride - Roll, Cut, and Stick Down - Disposable

Sure Stride Rolled MatSure Stride - Roll, Cut, and Stick Down - Disposable Wash Your Hands Message Mat

Message Mat 3X5- Design 3017378


CleanShield Mat with Flipped Corner

Clean Shield Disposable

3x5 Message Mat - Sanitize Hands

Message Mat in a 3X5 - Design 3017625


Sanitize Your Hands MOCK Message Mat

Message Mat 2X3 - Design 3017629


2x3 Black Message Mat w/Grey Border - Use Hand Sanitizer

Message Mat in a 2X3 - Design 3017627


MOCK Message Mat - Please... Wash Your HandsMessage Mat 3X5

Design 3017349 $79.95

CleanShield Urinal Mat

Clean Shield Mats


Clean Stride Mat

Clean Stride Mats

Email for Pricing

Social Distancing

Keep Your Distance

Bar Impressions Mat

Secure your glassware and protect your bar top from spills and splatters with custom-branded, slip-resistant bar service mats.

Photographic-quality logos and artwork printed edge to edge
150 colors available
Proudly made in the USA
Minimum order quantity of 20 (please note that minimum order is per design and per size; different designs and sizes cannot be combined to meet the 20 mat minimum)